Donate now to help us meet the Art$WChallenge!
Arts Westchester will match donations made before Dec. 10.
The LAB is a place for High Schoolers to come together, create, produce or just hang out. We support programming for, about and driven by Teens.
How it works: Area teens bring us their passions and ideas and adult volunteers and staff provide support to help actualize projects that reinforce our mission. Our projects have been as varied as our participants. We help teens produce talks, workshops, theater productions, Open Mic nights and social justice events.
We are dedicated to a safe space, open communication, artistic experimentation and social justice. We invite teens from across Westchester to join The LAB. Make your voice heard!
Want to start something? Email us!
We are looking for teens to produce talks, plays, musical events, workshops and social justice events. Like to write or edit? We are have space on this site for a Teen Blog where High Schoolers can share poetry, music, songs and art. Come share your vision.